Tuesday, September 22, 2009


When you are selling your home, it immediately becomes a product that buyers compare with all the other homes they look at. Preparing to have your home look its best is a very smart idea. However it is easy to spend time and money on things that may not help all that much, and could even have a detrimental effect. Hiring professional help to put your home’s best face forward is a relatively new phenomena.

Most Interior Designers think they can stage homes and most Staging Professionals think they can do Interior Design. There is some crossover, true, but the philosophies and purpose are very different. There is much more training, talent and skill needed to be an effective designer than most Staging Professionals possess. On the other hand, many designers don’t really understand the common sense or purpose behind Staging. When you are living in your home you usually want to express your individual tastes. You want it to look great, but you want it to be YOU! Enter the Interior Designer.

The objectives are different when you are staging your home for sale. You don’t want the prospective buyer to fall in love with your decor, or be green with envy over your art collection, or focused on your great black and white photography collection of your children and pets. You want them to be able to focus on the HOUSE! You want them to get a vision of how their things and their famliy could fit in it. You don’t have to pack up and move completely out leaving it empty, but almost every home needs a little editing. We all accumulate a lot of stuff and a little early packing is in order. Staging is not rocket science! Much of it is common sense. Much of this is realted to Clean Up...Clear Out...Fix In...Fix Out! If successfully accomplished, prospective buyers will be able to view your home at its best. Best because its good features will be discovered and enhanced and they can see and feel themselves living there. That usually means a faster sale and a better price!

Tina & Mike Butler
(918) 740-1000

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


When the hot weather breaks and the mail brings the notices for the kids’ school, it means many things. One of which is the realization that the time to complete outdoor home projects is running short. You don’t have to read the Little House series to know that the way people survived was by spending the summer getting ready for winter. The limiting problem is always paint. You can’t paint outside when it’s below 35F at night. Every outdoor project needs the protection of paint to make it through the winter intact, and that’s something we need to get done in September. When the weather gets that slight chill in it, there’s a real temptation to sit back and enjoy what is left of the summer. It’s our reward for getting through the bad weather of winter. September can be a beautiful month and there’s still time to enjoy it, and plenty of time to sit in the rocking chair. The cooler end of summer lasts a fair amount of time, so take advantage and finish off those nagging outdoor projects.

Tina & Mike Butler

Friday, September 4, 2009


The Tulsa Drillers have big plans for Labor Day Weekend, as they celebrate what will be their last games of the regular season at Drillers Stadium. The team plans many special events for fans that to mark the end of nearly three decades of play at the Tulsa Fairgrounds. The Drillers will host a three-game series with the Northwest Arkansas Naturals (Kansas City Royals) that will run from Saturday, Sept. 5 through Monday, Sept. 7. The first 1,500 fans in attendance will receive special commemoratives Saturday and Monday. On Sunday night, the game is followed by what is being called the largest fireworks show in stadium history. On Monday night, after the final out, they will remove the bases, which will be taken using a limousine to a temporary location. The bases will be used in the opening game next season at Oneok Field, the Drillers' new downtown home that is under construction. Fans will participate in a countdown from 29 to mark the team's 29 seasons at Drillers Stadium. When the count reaches zero, the lights will be turned off. The Drillers are the AA affiliate of the Colorado Rockies. Next year, the Drillers will play at Oneok Field, a new downtown park under construction now in the Greenwood District. Tickets for all three games are now on sale at the stadium ticket office. Tickets are also available at TulsaDrillers.com or by calling 918-744-5901.

Source: NewsOn6.com

Have a safe & fun holiday week-end from The Butler Team!
Tina & Mike Butler